Openshift Cheatsheet for DevOps

Whether you’re a beginner exploring OpenShift for the first time or an experienced user looking for quick references, this cheat sheet is designed to provide you with a CheatSheet of OpenShift commands, concepts, and best practices. From managing pods and services to setting up routes and exploring advanced deployment strategies, we’ve got you covered.

Login and Configuration

Firstly, let’s check the most common commands for Login and Configuration in OpenShift:

#login with a user
oc login -u developer -p developer

#login as system admin
oc login -u system:admin

#User Information
oc whoami 

#View your configuration
oc config view

#Update the current context to have users login to the desired namespace:
oc config set-context `oc config current-context` --namespace=<project_name>

# List OAuth Access Tokens
oc get useroauthaccesstokens

Basic Commands

Secondly, here is a list of the basic commands to manage Pods and create applications with Templates:

#Create a new app from a GutHub Repository
oc new-app

#New app from a different branch
oc new-app --name=html-dev nginx:1.10~

#Create objects from a file:
oc create -f myobject.yaml -n myproject

#Delete objects contained in a file:
oc delete -f myobject.yaml -n myproject

#Create or merge objects from file
oc apply -f myobject.yaml -n myproject

#Update existing object
oc patch svc mysvc --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"ports":[{"port": 8080, "targetPort": 5000 }]}}'

#Monitor Pod status
watch oc get pods

#Get a Specific Item (podIP) using a Go template
oc get pod example-pod-2 --template='{{.status.podIP}}'

#Gather information on a project's pod deployment with node information
oc get pods -o wide

#Hide inactive Pods
oc get pods --show-all=false

#Display all resources
oc get all,secret,configmap

#Get the Openshift Console Address
oc get -n openshift-console route console

#Get the Pod name from the Selector and rsh in it
POD=$(oc get pods -l app=myapp -o name) oc rsh -n $POD

#Exec single command in a running pod
oc exec $POD $COMMAND

# Creates a pod for the container image "fedora" and execute commands with it
oc run fedora-pod --image=fedora --restart=Never --command -- sleep infinity

#Copy from local folder byteman-4.0.12 in Pod wildfly-basic-1-mrlt5 under the folder /opt/wildfly
oc cp ./byteman-4.0.12 wildfly-basic-1-mrlt5:/opt/wildfly

Image Streams

Here is how to list and import ImageStreams on OpenShift

#List available IS for openshift project
oc get is -n openshift

#Import an image from an external registry
oc import-image -n openshift jboss-amq-62:1.3 --confirm

#List available IS and templates
oc new-app --list

Templates Management

Next, here is how to process Templates:

# Deploy resources contained in a template
oc process -f template.yaml | oc create -f -

#List parameters available in a template
oc process --parameters -f .template.yaml

ConfigMap and Secrets

Create a ConfigMap/Secret from File

oc create configmap my-config

oc create secret generic my-secret --from-file=secret.keyCreate a ConfigMap from literals

Create a ConfigMap/Secret from literals

oc create configmap my-config --from-literal=foo=bar --from-literal=baz=qux
oc create secret generic my-secret --from-literal=secret.key=value

Set a ConfigMap/Secret in a deployment

oc set env deployment/my-deployment --from configmap/my-config
oc set env deployment/my-deployment --from secret/my-secret

How to display a ConfigMap content

oc get cm/my-config -o yaml

Setting environment variables

Then, here is how to set environment variables on Deployment Configs/Build Configs and list them:

# Update deployment 'registry' with a new environment variable
oc set env dc/registry STORAGE_DIR=/local
# List the environment variables defined on a build config 'sample-build'
oc set env bc/sample-build --list
# List the environment variables defined on all pods
oc set env pods --all --list
# Import environment from a secret
oc set env --from=secret/mysecret dc/myapp


Then, here is a list of commands that can assist you in editing Resources with just the Command Line:

# Edit the build configuration
oc edit bc/devfile-sample-python-basic-git

# Change the default Editor to vim
export EDITOR=vi

Resources and Operators

Here is a list of commands to inspect the Resources available in an OpenShift cluster

# prints the supported API resources, including resource names, available shortnames, and the API versions.
oc api-resources

# limit the output of the api-resources command to namespaced resources.
oc api-resources --namespaced

# List the resource types that the apps API group provides.
oc api-resources --api-group apps

# List the operators that users installed in the OpenShift cluster.
oc get operators

# List the cluster operators installed by default 
oc get clusteroperators

WildFly application example on OpenShift

Please refer to this article: How to run WildFly on Openshift

Create app from a Project with Dockerfile

Next, here is how to create an app from a Dockerfile using a Binary Build:

oc new-build --binary --name=mywildfly -l app=mywildfly

oc patch bc/mywildfly -p '{"spec":{"strategy":{"dockerStrategy":{"dockerfilePath":"Dockerfile"}}}}'
oc start-build mywildfly --from-dir=. --follow

oc new-app --image-stream=mywildfly
oc expose svc/mywildfly

How to manage Nodes

#Get Nodes list
oc get nodes

#Check on which Node your Pods are running
oc get pods -o wide

#Schedule an application to run on another Node
oc patch dc  myapp -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"nodeSelector":{"": "ip-10-0-0-74.acme.compute.internal"}}}}}'

#List all pods which are running on a Node
oc adm manage-node node1.local --list-pods

#Add a label to a Node
oc label node node1.local mylabel=myvalue

#Remove a label from a Node
oc label node node1.local mylabel-

#Check if a Node has associated Taints:
kubectl describe node <nodename> | grep Taints

#Remove Taint NoSchedule from node "master"
kubectl taint node master

How to manage storage

#create a PersistentVolumeClaim (+update the DeploymentConfig to include a PV + update the DeploymentConfig to attach a volumemount into the specified mount-path)
oc set volume dc/file-uploader --add --name=my-shared-storage \
-t pvc --claim-mode=ReadWriteMany --claim-size=1Gi \
--claim-name=my-shared-storage --claim-class=ocs-storagecluster-cephfs \
--mount-path=/opt/app-root/src/uploaded \
-n my-shared-storage

#List storage classes
oc -n openshift-storage get sc

Build Management

#Manual build from source  
oc start-build ruby-ex

#Manual build from source and follow logs 
oc start-build ruby-ex -F

#Stop a build that is in progress 
oc cancel-build <build_name> 

#Changing the log level of a build: 
oc set env bc/my-build-name BUILD_LOGLEVEL=[1-5]

# Wait for the build to complete up to 600 seconds
oc wait --for=condition=complete --timeout=600s build/myapp-1

How to manage Deployments

#Manual deployment 
$ oc rollout latest ruby-ex

#Pause automatic deployment rollout
oc rollout pause dc $DEPLOYMENT

# Resume automatic deployment rollout
oc rollout resume dc $DEPLOYMENT 

#Define resource requests and limits in DeploymentConfig
oc set resources deployment nginx --limits=cpu=200m,memory=512Mi --requests=cpu=100m,memory=256Mi

#Define livenessProve and readinessProve in DeploymentConfig
oc set probe dc/nginx --readiness --get-url=http://:8080/healthz --initial-delay-seconds=10
oc set probe dc/nginx --liveness --get-url=http://:8080/healthz --initial-delay-seconds=10

#Scale the number of Pods to 2
oc scale dc/nginx --replicas=2

#Define Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (hpa)
oc autoscale dc foo --min=2 --max=4 --cpu-percent=10

Managing Routes

#Create route
$ oc expose service ruby-ex

# Create Route and expose it through a custom Hostname
oc expose serviceruby-ex --hostname 

# Read the Route Host attribute
oc get route my-route -o jsonpath --template="{}"

# Forward traffic from pod "mypho" from 8080 to local 8080
oc port-forward pod/myphp 8080:8080

Managing Services

#Make a service idle. When the service is next accessed will automatically boot up the pods again: 
$ oc idle ruby-ex

#Read a Service IP
oc get services rook-ceph-mon-a --template='{{.spec.clusterIP}}'

Resource usage

# List the memory and CPU usage of all pods in the cluster. The --sum option prints the sum of the resource usage.
oc adm top pods -A --sum

# List the resource usage of the containers in the pod "mypod" in the "example" namespace.  
oc adm top pods mypod -n example --containers

# Resource consumption for the node 
oc adm top node

# list of all resources, their status, and their types in the "example" namespace.
oc get all -n example --show-kind

# Displays the resource consumption for each container running on the node. Requires "cri-tools"
crictl stats

Clean up resources

#Delete all resources
oc delete all --all

#Delete resources for one specific app
$ oc delete services -l app=ruby-ex
$ oc delete all -l app=ruby-ex

#CleanUp old docker images on nodes
#Keeping up to three tag revisions 1, and keeping resources (images, image streams and pods) younger than sixty minutes:
oc adm prune images --keep-tag-revisions=3 --keep-younger-than=60m

#Pruning every image that exceeds defined limits:
oc adm prune images --prune-over-size-limit


# create a simple Job
kubectl create job hello --image=alpine -- echo "Hello World"

# create a CronJob that prints "Hello World" every minute
kubectl create cronjob hello --image=apline   --schedule="*/1 * * * *" -- echo "Hello World"

Openshift Container Platform Troubleshooting

#How to inspect all resources in a namespace (produces resources tree in YAML files)
oc adm inspect ns/mynamespace

#run cluster diagnostics
oc adm diagnostics

#Collect must-gather
oc adm must-gather

#Check status of current project 	
oc status

#Get events for a project sorted by timestamp
oc get events --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp

#Get events of type Warning
oc get ev --field-selector type=Warning -o jsonpath='{.items[].message}{"\n"}'

# get the logs of the myrunning-pod-2-fdthn pod 
oc logs myrunning-pod-2-fdthn<br />

# follow the logs of the myrunning-pod-2-fdthn pod 
oc logs -f myrunning-pod-2-fdthn<br />

# tail the logs of the myrunning-pod-2-fdthn pod 
oc logs myrunning-pod-2-fdthn --tail=50

#Check the integrated Docker registry logs:
oc logs docker-registry-n-{xxxxx} -n default | less

# Create a temporary namespace to debug the node oc debug node/master01


#Create a secret from the CLI 
oc create secret generic oia-secret --from-literal=username=myuser

# Use secret in deployment env
oc set env deployment/ --from secret/oia-secret

# You can also mount the Secret on a Volume 
oc set volumes dc/myapp --add --name=secret-volume --mount-path=/opt/app-root/

Managing user roles

oc adm policy add-role-to-user admin oia -n python
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-reader system:serviceaccount:monitoring:default
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z default

Misc commands

#Manage node state
oc adm manage node <node> --schedulable=false

#List installed operators
oc get csv

#Export in a template the IS, BC, DC and SVC
oc export is,bc,dc,svc --as-template=app.yaml

#Show user in prompt
function ps1(){
   export PS1='[\u@\h($(oc whoami -c 2>/dev/null|cut -d/ -f3,1)) \W]\$ '

#backup openshift objects

oc get all --all-namespaces --no-headers=true | awk '{print $1","$2}' | while read obj
  NS=$(echo $obj | cut -d, -f1)
  OBJ=$(echo $obj | cut -d, -f2)
  FILE=$(echo $obj | sed 's/\//-/g;s/,/-/g')
  echo $NS $OBJ $FILE; oc export -n $NS $OBJ -o yaml > $FILE.yml

Conclusion: As you conclude your journey through this OpenShift cheat sheet, you’ve equipped yourself with valuable insights and quick references to navigate the complex world of container orchestration. OpenShift empowers you to build, deploy, and scale applications with efficiency and confidence.

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